Development economics

Development economics is a branch of economics that studies the factors influencing the economic development of countries, regions and communities. It examines factors such as investment, education, technology, economic policy, and social conditions that can influence economic growth and improved living conditions
Development economics focuses on the study of various fields such as
Investment: Analyzes how contributions to infrastructure, intellectual capital and other areas can contribute to economic growth
Education: examines the role of education in improving the labor productivity, creativity and skills of the population, which can contribute to long-term economic boom
Economic policy: examines what actions governments can take to support economic development, such as fiscal, trade, and regulatory policies
Technology: assesses the impact of new methods on production, activity and sustainable economic development
Sustainable development: development economics also pays attention to balanced development, i.e. striving for a balance between economic growth and environmental protection and social aspects of development.
Development economics research aims to develop strategies and policies that can accelerate economic growth, reduce poverty, and improve the quality of life of people around the world

Percentage of photovoltaic energy in total energy consumption in Greece and Poland

Poland 1%

Greece 18%

The average cost of a 10kW photovoltaic installation in Greece can range from EUR 15,000 to EUR 25,000
The average cost of a 10kW photovoltaic installation in Greece may range from PLN 30,000 to PLN 50,000.
Return time in Poland is from 7 to 12 and in Greece from 5 to 8 a website containing links and information for setting up your own photovoltaic installation
Globenergia regulations regarding renewable energy
Polish version
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